Our dream is to rid the world of plastics by designing and producing the world’s most desirable, natural and compostable kitchenware products.


In a world where homes have become primary polluters and it’s hard to find desirable, durable options to plastics, NIL is pioneering a positive alternative: products where ‘Nothing Is Left’ behind.

We believe in taking responsibility for the world we’re building for future generations. Rather than taking things from the planet — then polluting it with plastic — everything we do feeds the cycle of life. NIL designs and manufactures the world’s most beautiful, robust, dishwasher-safe, all-natural kitchenware products that are both carbon neutral and 100% plant based. 

When your product has reached the end of its life, you simply break it up and it will naturally break down to start its next phase — as food for the Earth.

Nothing is Left. 


 Living Homeware. Designed to disappear.


Andrew Clayton
+44 07979730563
